10 Aug 2012

Birthday Dinner Outfit

Hi dolls, TGIF, today is my birthday ''YaY'' i thank God for all he has done for me,words can't express how grateful i am, am celebrating simple this year, having dinner in a fine restaurant with few of my friends, as one get older a lots of things change. thank you all for the nice feed back on my featured guest post, here is an outfit idea i put together, perfect for a birthday dinner:) in love with the print on this dress and the dropped waist dress,both dresses from Topshop, which will you go for?

Thanks for stopping by and have a Fabulous Weekend, please follow me on Bloglovin, Chicisimo and
Twitter @shana_style

Xo J


Carina said...

I'd wear the first outfit! I love anything that nips in at the waist :) Accessories are gorgeous too!

Anonymous said...

First is a lovely dress!

isabelle said...

first one! it has a touch of the gossip girl style :)


Audrey Masitsa said...

Happy Birthday! Love the first outfit. I'd definitely wear it. Have a wonderful weekend.

shoppanna said...

Amazing dresses!!!!

Katharina said...

happy happy birthday and i love the first outfit!


Lilli said...

beautiful style dear!

Fabrizia said...

Happy birthday!!!!
these outfits are so glam and I don't know which is better mmm
maybe the second one is more auitable for your important occasion!
maybe you can wear the other one in the afternoon... it's so chic!

Pretty To Be Happy

Antee Gurung said...

Love the red dress...simple yet so beautiful...

Check out my new post

Lívia said...

I like second one, love red dress :)

Cynthia Adiesti Alivia said...

happy birthday dear :D bless you!
I love the red one


The Dainty Dolls House said...

Love the top one..so pretty!! I hope you have a super weekend and lots of fun :)) xx

Sabrina said...

Happy Birthday my dear :) I would go for the first outfit!Happy Friday xx

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Darling! Totes love both those looks, so gorgeous but if I haaaave to choose, I pick the first one :)
Have a great day!

Stacy said...

I am in loooove with the 1st outfit ;)
Joy, darling, wishing the best of the best! I am so glad that I met you here =)
Lot's of love and kisses))


Amy said...

Just ordered that topshop dress, sadly it's too short! But loved it!


Leopard and Lillies

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLiN! I'm really feeling the first fit!

Leeh Trindade said...

Fabulous dress, amazing shoes, love it!


Sheree said...

LOVING the print on the first dress..amazing and I love the second look with the chanel studs as a perfect accessory!
Sheree x

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your dinner and let your dreams come true!!!


j.v. said...

Happy birthday girl ;)
I'm totally in love with the first dress! Looks amazing ö

♥ Tanachi ♥ said...

Happy birthday! :D
I LOVE the first one, amazing! <3 And I like the apple-ring on the second one, haha, cute!


TheTinyHeart said...

Happy birthday!! I'd go with the first look, it's so pretty! Enjoy your birthday dinner :)

The Tiny Heart
JEWELIQ Giveaway!

Unknown said...

happy birthday doll!!! I hope you have the best birthday ever!!!!! I love the first outfit, although they are both amazing!!!!


Unknown said...

I would go with the first outfit!

Lissy (Love The Fabulous)

Tamara Stojcevska said...

Lovely outifits , i love those Loboutins one of my fav ! :*

Heidi-likes said...

I like both, i love the cc earrings and red dress though! x


DD said...

Happy birthday!! Loving the first outfit a teeny bit more!


she.is.the.one said...

very pretty style!!!:)

Fashion Pad said...

Happy birthday lady. Hope you enjoy your day. Love the first outfit...FIYAH!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday <3 !!!! I love the first one. Sending Loveeeee*

TINA said...

Both of them are such perfect choices for B-day. I think I'll wear the second one for my coming birthday. Thank you for sharing!

Style4Curves said...

happY birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the first outfit ! Happy birthday to you !!!


Ebony Styles said...

I love the first outfit, I would so weare that. Happy B-Day!


Mani said...

Looks so chic and feminine! HUGE LIKE

Asia said...

Happy Birthday! :)
I love the first outfit <3


Mitha Komala said...

happy birthday dear, god bless you always! both dresses are stunning, i want those louboutins! <3 xx

Letters To Juliet

Mehak said...

First of alll... A very very happy birthday!!! May God shower you with all his blessings!!

Loving both the looks but the first one is my fav!!


The Fashion Writress said...

Big yes to number one :)

Dascha said...

Wauw I like this outfit!
Really chique:)


MILEX said...

love them all!

Tamara Chloé said...

def the first dress Shana!!
it will look gorge with you skintone!

I would so wear this dress my self hihi

xoxo much love Tamara Chloé


Alexa said...

Happy Birthday <3 hope you have the most amazing day! i would def go with the first dress! it's soo cute!

Alexa <3

Beauty said...

Happy birthday Shana. Wishing you God's blessings on your special day and always...

Robyn said...

Thank you! I love those heels in the top outfit. Yeah, let's follow each other. I added you. :)

TracyJackson said...

nice post !!

Unknown said...

first one!!... happy birthday!!! :) hope you have an amazing day!!


Allie said...

Both of these looks are SO pretty! Love your blog, following now!




Unknown said...

OMG - love them both, but for a birthday? The RED of course! What are you waiting for? LOVE your blog.

-Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

Happy birthday!

Victoria Talia said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Gorgeous outfits! I especially love those shoes in the first outfit.

LongIslandWeddingOfficiant said...

Happy Birthday doll!
Love the second dress the best.
hugs from New York,
Ask Erena

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!! I hope you have good day!!
I love your blog!! now I follow you!! follow back?


Unknown said...

Love them both! Happy B day!

I follow you! :)


Sere said...

Happy birthday dear!!! I love the golden outfit and I think you'll be great wearing gold shades !!!xxx

little K. said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Hope you stop by again, thanks! Love these dresses by the way!

Little K.

little K. said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Hope you stop by again, thanks! Love these dresses by the way!

Little K.

jessica-anne said...

Aww happy birthday!! I hope it was a lovely day :) I'd choose the first outfit, just because any dress that comes in at the waist is super cute in my opinion :D

Pop by and visit my blog Taken By Surprise! xx

Jelena Zivanovic said...

Happy B-day girl, wishing you all the best!! First look is simply stunning!!!! Have a great weekend!!

Jiglycious said...

the dress on the forst photo is so beautiful!!
and amazing shoes!!


Audrey Leighton said...

Love them both! Amazing styling!

Be Frassy

Jasmin said...

great dress choice and heels for the first photo!


Laura said...

Happy birthday!!, the first outfit it's perfect!, i follow you now :), kisses.

Joana Sá said...

Hi dear
Thanks for your comment some weeks ago on my blog
So beautiful dresses, love this two combinations

Kiss kiss.*Jo

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday babes! I had no idea until the other day that ours were back to back :)I hope you're having a great weekend!

This is a hard choice for me. I love the print of the first dress but love the red color on the second. Can I choose both? hehe


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

The First Dress is amazing!


Unknown said...

Cute sets! If i could wear drop waists i'd wear #2 in a second!

Rose Mode said...

I would wear the second one, there is more color I like it better =)

TuinWeelde said...

Chic outfits!

Georgie said...

Happy birthday! Love the outfits you put together, the heels in the first one are gorgeous! x

Ana said...

First picture-fabulous :)

Kathleen said...

The first outfit! So ladylike!

Tara India said...

The first outfit is my favourite, the print on the dress and those shoes are calling me! xox


squidword said...

stunning combinations!! lovely!! following your blog!!

noraaradi said...

amazing outfits! I really like your blog, followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?


bleufountain said...

First are amazing!

Unknown said...

So nice! I love the first outfit, totally something I would wear :) great post!

Lots of love,

Enter my studded corset giveaway in collaboration with Kat Valdez!

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you had a great one! I really love both of these looks, but I'm particularly drawn to the first one. It's just so pretty!

xo Jenny

Theadorabletwo said...

I love the first one best!! It would look so great!

Love Storm

Theadorabletwo said...

I love the first one best!! It would look so great!

Love Storm

Claire said...

Cool post!



Elsa Hurtado said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful time.
Both of these outfits are perfection! Wish I could afford them along with the bag and shoes.

Mix and Match the F word

Fash Boulevard said...

oh my goodness, that first look is beyond stunning. Fabulous post, love. I hope you had an amazing weekend. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit. xo


Unknown said...

love both outfit, but i love colors so would pick the second outfit cause of my skin color.
happy birthday darl enjoy your cake :-)

Fashiondoll.pl said...

I love it all!!! so pretty!!!
kisess from poland!!!:)

Ashley said...

Both outfits are amazing! Happy birthday, doll! Following you xx

Chic Therapy said...

I LOVE the first outfit

La Chunga Tattoo said...

I love the first dress!:)

Sabrina said...

nice dresss

Princess Martha said...

The first dress is perfect!!!
Love it :)



Classy said...

following your blog :) hope you follow mine :)

the chilicool said...

The first dress is very nice!!

Barcelona Brunettes said...

wooow! we like the second look ^^


Yonosoyunaitgirl said...

I love the red dress! i follow you! XX

LILLIAN said...

I love both looks!
definitely my style!
they would look great on you!

Xoxo Lil

LILLIAN said...

I love both looks!
definitely my style!
they would look great on you!

Xoxo Lil

Damy said...

Love the first outfit! is more your style!

Anonymous said...

Love love LOVE that first dress! I can't wait to add some metallic items to my fall wardrobe.

Josine Luxanette said...

The first outfit is gorgeous!*
Love it!*



yosivoyalamoda said...

Love the first outfit!!

Happy birthday!!!

Following you!



Unknown said...

I'm a fan of these quite unique dresses! I just love dresses and that's all I find myself wearing much of my off-duty time...Thanks for the inspiration! -Jessica L

Forever Young n Fab said...

Omg shana those are amazing :) both but I live the 1st one

monica said...

happy belated birthday!!!!

i hope you had a wonderful celebration

Anonymous said...

First combination is just perfect

Rosemary said...

Super ubrania !

Jeanae' said...

Happy belated bday! I love these pics the first dress is Love!

Tomris (dejafashion) said...

I love them both for different reasons. I like the Tribal Princess feel of the first one, and the City Chic feel of the second one.
I think I am more of a city girl so I would probably go with the second one.

Happy belated!

x x

barefoot duchess said...

can't decide... love them both!

Unknown said...

Hello! So happy to have found you via Leopard and Lillies! These are both lovely birthday outfit collages. I particularly love the outfit in your most recent post... the striped shirt and colored jeans. Looking forward to more fun posts!
Whitley at the Queen City Style

Fashion Oase said...

Love that first dress! :O


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